Saturday, August 6, 2011

Paul Begala - The Worst Generation (11years ago)

Esquire Magazine 1990

..."I hate the Baby Boomers. They're the most self-centered, self-seeking, self-
interested, self-absorbed, self-indulgent, self-aggrandizing generation in 
American history. As they enter late middle age, the Boomers still can't grow 
up. Guys who once dropped acid are now downing Viagra; women who once eschewed 
lipstick are now getting liposuction.".... 

AxelDC - Comments on Huffington Post 

“It will be nice when the Locust Generation, aka "Baby Boomers", no longer dominate our political landscape.

They were born from parents who survived the Great Depression and World War II, received the largesse of a generous government and a booming economy, threw their adolescent tantrums in the 1960s, gorged themselves on Yuppie excess in the 1980s, and voted themselves massive tax cuts just as they are about to retire and deplete the government entitlement programs. They will leave behind a nation in decline, in deep debt, and a planet polluted and dying from their greed and irresponsibility.”

Well said AxelDC!  

Bob Burnett - America's Locust Years

 Stiglitz and Friedman agree that America's locust years began in 1980 with election of Ronald Reagan. It "ushered in an age in which we told ourselves that we did not have sacrifice anymore for a better way of life." As a consequence, Friedman continues, "We became a subprime nation that thought it could just borrow its way to riches." This party hearty and damn the consequencesattitude prevailed for thirty years, notably with George W. Bush, who after 9/11 said the appropriate American response was not collective sacrifice but rather to "go shopping."

The Locust Generation (Baby Boomers)

A collection of links, words, quotes and media about the Locust Generation.  The Baby Boomers.  A generation of Americans that have systematically extracted everything of value in the USA for their own benefit.  Assuring themselves a comfortable life at the expense of their children's future.